Sunday, December 5, 2010

ArmA and Nail'd

So, I finished up ArmA 2: OA the other day. Apparently I stopped on the last level (or second to last if you fail to kill someone during the mission). It was an utter bullshit mission. No wonder I didn't want to go back to that load of crap. The game is so glitched it's almost impossible to get through perfectly unless you're a lucky son of a bitch. Well, it's over now, and I'll never be looking in the direction of another ArmA game ever again. Definitely far from my cup of tea and pretty frustrating due to all the bullshit deaths and glitches. Oh, did I forget to mention the soldiers on your team rarely if ever fight for you? They stand around looking like morons getting shot by snipers, machine gunners, and tanks alike. Hell, if a tank drives right up in front of them and they're in a tank of their own... you better not trust that they're going to do anything special because they'll stare at each other for about 30 seconds before the enemy tank blows the shit out of the ally AI. It's moronic.

Enough about that though. I started up a new exclusive for GameAnyone after finishing my other two (ArmA and 007), which is the first racing game I've ever worked on. It's called Nail'd. It's a pretty fast paced racing game with a motherload of jumps everywhere. It can be quite fun to play even if you're losing. I'm rather enjoying it and recommend picking it up whenever you get the chance if you like racing games.

I'm also thinking of possibly adding on another LP, but at the same time I want to finish the ones I'm currently working on. It's kind of a hard choice to make because I feel I want to do other things, but at the same time I want to go through and finish what I've been doing. Ah well, I'll work it out one way or another.

Have fun, people. Till next time.